Welcome, I’m Sophie,
an individual and relationship psychotherapist accredited by the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and certified by the College of Sexual & Relationship Therapists (COSRT).
Drawing from a decade’s experience in private practice, community, and specialist mental health settings, I bring a modern, inclusive and integrative approach to psychodynamic therapy that bridges Jungian and psychoanalytic theory with Buddhist mindfulness principles and somatic (body-based) psychotherapy.
Sensitive to the interplay between wider societal context and emotional wellbeing, my practice is LGBTQ+ affirmative and knowledgable of a wide range of gender and sexual identities and relationship styles, including kink, ethical non-monogamy, and those working in the sex industry.
My relationship practice welcomes couples and other relationships of all styles and orientations, and at any stage, with an approach aimed at deepening connection and bringing insight into areas of difficulty, towards personal growth and positive change.
Whether or not you are clear about your reasons for seeking therapy, I welcome you to be in touch to learn more, and to explore the possibility of working together.
Thank you for visiting.

Relationship therapy
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Jalaluddin Rumi
Couples and other relationship partners seek out therapy for a wide range of reasons: To resolve an issue of conflict and get unstuck from unhelpful patterns of communication. To reconnect emotionally, rekindle sexually, and repair broken places in intimacy and trust. To navigate a significant change in the relationship or life circumstances. And generally to learn how to better love one another.
It is normal to encounter difficulty in intimate relationships. The myth that relationships should be easy and come naturally can lead many couples to delay the decision to consider counselling, but you don’t need to reach crisis point to seek support.
In fact, it is often the places we struggle most in our intimate partnerships that offer the greatest potential for growth and transformation. With intention and commitment, tending to your relationship can transform it from a place of frustration and difficulty to a source of personal growth, fulfilment and true intimacy.
This is where couples therapy can help.
My approach
I use a reflective, active approach that draws focus to the ‘how’ of your interactions as a couple/ relationship, as well as the ‘what’ and the ‘why’:
the particular issues you bring to sessions, and their roots in your personal and relationship history. My aim is to help you shed light upon the habitual patterns of relating that may underlie places of ‘stuck’-ness and difficulty, to support you in learning to better hear and attune to one another, and to develop skills to communicate more authentically and effectively.
In the process, I hope to help you learn something new about yourself and your partner, and to utilise the challenges you encounter as opportunities for growth – both as individuals and as a couple – towards a relationship of deeper joy and connection, freedom and fulfilment.
While I draw from an eclectic range of approaches and techniques in my approach to couples and relationship therapy, I have a special interest and hold certification in Imago Relationship Therapy: a method centred around fostering a deeper, safer quality of connection and true intimacy, through intentional dialogue and the exploration of our first and most formative relationships – those with our caregivers – and the blueprints for relationship they instilled within us.
Who I work with
With an inclusive approach, I work affirmatively with individuals and relationships across the spectrum of gender, sexuality and relationship diversity;
heterosexual and LGBTQ+; monogamous and non-monogamous/ polyamorous; married, partnered and dating. I am kink-knowledgeable and familiar working with a range of relationship styles and gender dynamics.
I am experienced in working with couples navigating a wide range of relationship challenges and transitions, including discrepancy in sexual desire and issues with sexual intimacy; chronic and high conflict; fertility treatments and new parenthood; gender transition; navigating change in relationship style; infidelity and betrayal; intercultural issues; and challenging family dynamics, to name but a few.
I see couples at all stages of relationship, whether this means deepening into commitment, navigating a change in relationship style or status, or uncoupling.
Be in touch
I recognise that embarking on relationship therapy can feel like a vulnerable and potentially exposing process, and work with care to put you at ease. Whatever it is that is of concern to you, I welcome you to be in touch to arrange an initial consultation to discover whether therapy may be able to help. You can reach me via email at sophiebarnestherapy@gmail.com
“The privilege of a liftetime is to become who you truly are.”
C.G. Jung
Individual therapy
Therapy offers a safe, welcoming and reflective space in which to understand and to be understood; to be and to become who you are, on your unique life’s journey.
Psychodynamic therapy aims to address the underlying roots of present difficulties at a level of depth, towards the discovery of new, more fulfilling and authentic ways of living, relating and being. The regularity of weekly sessions provides a unique opportunity for deep self-exploration and support around whatever concerns you may bring, within an atmosphere of respect, compassion and non-judgment.
My approach
My practice is rooted in a body of theory known as relational psychoanalysis (best known for its work on attachment theory), which takes the view that our early life experiences powerfully shape our present-day ways of relating, experiencing and moving through the world.
As a psychodynamic therapist with a Jungian and somatic orientation, my stance is one of special curiosity towards the information – and often wisdom – held within dreams, the body, and even the very challenges that may bring us to therapy in the first place.
As a trauma-informed practitioner, I draw from the fields of somatic psychology and polyvagal theory, taking a gentle, psycho-educative, body-based approach to working with trauma with the aim of discovering a felt sense of safety, aliveness and empowerment.
However, therapy is not only about looking backwards, but onwards, towards the direction that your current strengths and struggles lead in your path of unique, personal development; what is termed, in Jungian language, individuation.
Indeed, as well as being a way of supporting areas of difficulty and suffering within our lives, therapy also aims to help us live more fully, in a greater sense of aliveness, authenticity and connection in the present.
I view the therapeutic relationship itself as central to the transformative process that therapy can be. Over time, the building of a reliable, trusting therapeutic relationship can become the container within which a deeper healing unfolds.
How I work
Psychodynamic therapy is a form of depth psychotherapy and, as such, typically unfolds over a longer period of time, in a long-term (anywhere from around 9 months to several or many years) or an open-ended therapeutic relationship. As such, it is best suited to individuals with a curiosity and commitment towards their personal development and self-understanding.
However, shorter, fixed-term and single-issue focused work (anywhere between six sessions to around 6 months) can also be suitable and beneficial for some individuals and concerns. The duration of therapy best suited to you and your circumstances can be discussed during our first meetings.
These sessions are yours, a space for you to be as you are.
It is my intention to offer an environment that is safe, accepting and open in which you can speak freely about how things are for you and feel seen, heard and responded to.
While I offer reflections and perspectives that I hope may be valuable, I am non-directive, and my aim is to facilitate your own Self-connection. It is what you choose to bring to each session that will guide the focus of our work.
About me
For the last decade, I have had the privilege of working therapeutically alongside clients from a diversity of backgrounds seeking support in relation to a wide range of issues. Prior to my full-time private-practice, I served as a therapist in specialist sexual violence, community counselling, LGBTQ+ mental health, and university settings.
Before training as a therapist, I completed a masters degree in Gender Studies and spent many years in the social justice sector, where I worked in support and community engagement roles with groups and individuals of marginalised identities, advocating for equality in health and social care. An anti-oppression, social justice lens continues as a core value throughout my work.
My first degree in Theology and Religious Studies specialised in the psychology of religion, and set the tone for a lifelong exploration of spirituality in its many forms, especially as it relates to mental and emotional wellbeing. A long-term Buddhist meditation practice deeply informs my therapeutic approach, and I have a particular interest in the integration of wisdom traditions and psychotherapy, as embodied in modalities such as Hakomi, the primary mindful and somatic approach that informs my work.
Perhaps most importantly, I view my own ongoing personal development as fundamental to my therapeutic work with clients, which is shaped by my own experience of in-depth psychotherapy and a long-term, intensive Jungian analysis.
Qualifications & Certifications
– Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Accredited Registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (PgDip, MBACP Accred.)
– Specialist Sexual Violence and Trauma Therapist, accredited by RASASC South London
– Certificate in Relationship Therapy,
accredited at Level 5 by the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT)
– Certificate in Imago Relationship Therapy
– Certificate in Jungian Somatics
– Certified Somatic Meditation Instructor
– Certificate in Non-Violent Communication
– MPhil Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies, University of Cambridge
– MA (Cantab) Theology and Religious Studies, University of Cambridge
continued professional development
– Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy
– Working with trauma utilising polyvagal theory and other somatic psychotherapy approaches
– Gender, Sexuality & Relationship Diversity (GSRD) and LGBTQ+ affirmative practice
I offer individual and relationship therapy sessions online, via Zoom, to clients across the UK and Europe, at the same agreed time, each week.
When we meet, we can decide together whether you would like to work in a fixed number of sessions (typically a minimum of 12), or open-endedly.
Fees for ongoing sessions are payable via bank transfer, 24 hours prior to each session.
Individuals: £100 (50 minutes)
Relationships: £140 (50 minutes).
I also offer 60 and 90 minute relationship therapy sessions, subject to scheduling availability, at a pro-rated fee.
The initial consultation
The above fees also reflect the initial consultation, with payment required 48 hours ahead of the session.
Concessionary rates
I offer a number of lower-cost concessionary spaces to those on a low income, who may otherwise be unable to access long-term therapy.
These spaces are limited to availability, and offered on a sliding scale subject to individual circumstances. Please enquire for availability if you require a reduced fee.
What to expect
Once you have been in touch, I will let you know the spaces I have available and, if any of these are suitable, we can then arrange an initial consultation.
I will provide a copy of my therapeutic agreement for you to review in advance of our first session, which outlines the terms of the therapeutic contract, including around confidentiality and my policy on cancellations.
The initial consultation is an opportunity for us to meet, discuss your hopes for therapy and get a sense of what working together in a therapeutic relationship might be like. It’s also an opportunity for me to understand what you are looking for through therapy and if this is something I am able to support you with.
There is no expectation that you begin therapy with me after the initial session, and you are welcome to take time to reflect and consider whether you would like to work together.
Sophie Barnes
PgDip . MBACP (Accred.) . MPhil . MA (Cantab)
Individual & Relationship
Counselling & Psychotherapy
Online Therapy via Zoom
Throughout London, the UK & Europe
Be in touch
I recognise that there can be a lot to consider when beginning therapy and welcome any questions you may have prior to arranging an initial consultation.
Please be in touch using the form above, or via email at sophiebarnestherapy@gmail.com, and I will endeavour to respond within two working days. My practice days are Monday to Thursday.
Sophie Barnes
Individual & Relationship
Counselling & Psychotherapy
PgDip . MBACP (Accred.) . MPhil . MA (Cantab)